¡Su espada, Ceñor desarrollador!
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My baking CV

Eye catching pic

My baking CV

  • Start date:2020/02/26 (5 days earlier, to be precise, sourdough starters do take some time to establish for the first time)
  • Materials:
    • - whole wheat flour
    • - rock salt
    • - hopefully H2O (although lab tests provide a longer formula)
  • Start reason:Got inspired by random u-tube video, the pandemic started also
  • Fun fact: Change of shape affects the taste
  • Classic bread
  • Pastry
  • Cookies
  • Flatbread
  • Pies (π)
  • Sushki
  • Vedgies
  • And more...

hedgie with cake
Can’t prevent this creatures from spreading all over the site, aftershock of my artist career not happening, also the domain name is their after all...
another hedgie with cake
(I am a full time programmer, aspiring baker not photographer) so not all of my shots are perfect
hedgie with a 'camera'
Tnx for for staying with us till the end
hedgie with lantern
Some behind the scene pics, mostly night ones
Views: dunno, don’t use trackers
hedgie with binoculars
Likes: At least 2 per dish, sometimes more when friends got a chance to try